May 12 and 13, 2021

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The Science Automation Technologies Research Group SciTech at the USC Information Sciences Institute aims to empower the scientific community by conducting research and software development in the area of automation of scientific computing, providing tools such as workflow management systems like Pegasus. As a result, scientists can focus on their research questions, while our open-source tools provide the computational foundations to seamlessly run their experiments and analyses in local and distributed resources. Our areas of focus are workflow management systems, resource scheduling and provisioning, cyberinfrastructure management and deployment, applied machine learning, and modeling and simulation of distributed computing systems.

In the past academic year, the SciTech Group has included a number of MS and undergraduate students and we wanted to provide a forum for them to publicize the work they have been doing. Therefore, SciTech has partnered with our colleagues Kerk Kee from Texas Tech University and Chuck Vardeman from the University of Notre Dame to hold a forum for students where scholarly and creative work by students will be showcased to the community. We call this get together the SciTech & Friends Research Symposium.


Research Symposium Participants


Research Symposium Agenda

Day 1 - Wednesday May 12, 2021

Time Topic
9:00-9:10am PDT
12:00-12:10pm EDT
Welcome and Introduction
9:10-9:30am PDT
12:10-12:30pm EDT
Dialectical Tensions Surrounding CI
Sayo Okunloye (Texas Tech University)
9:30am-9:50am PDT
12:30-12:50pm EDT
Efficiency and Resource Evaluation of In Situ Workflows
Tu Mai Anh Do (University of Southern California)
9:50-10:10am PDT
12:50-1:10pm EDT
Developing a COVID-19 Science Gateway with Chatbot Support for Clinicians
Roland Oruche (University of Missouri) and Eric Milman (Texas Tech University)
10:10-10:30am PDT
1:10-1:30pm EDT
Fair Sharing of Network Resources Among Workflow Ensembles
George Papadimitriou (University of Southern California)
10:30-10:50am PDT
1:30-1:50pm EDT
Galaxy Morphology Classification
Srujana Subramanya (University of Southern California)
10:50-11:10am PDT
1:50-2:10pm EDT
Crisis Computing Workflow Multimodal Social Media Content for Improved Emergency Response
Shubham Nagarkar (University of Southern California)
11:10-11:30am PDT
2:10-2:30pm EDT
Using Gantt Charts and CNNs to Study end-to-end Scientific Workflows and their Anomalies through Visual Analysis
Patrycja Krawczuk (University of Southern California)
11:30-11:50am PDT
2:30-2:50pm EDT
Generative Adversarial Networks for Paper Analytical Devices
Priscila C. Saboia Moreira (University of Notre Dame)
11:50-12:00pm PDT
2:50-3:00pm EDT
Day 1 Closing Remarks
Day 2 - Thursday May 13, 2021

Time Topic
9:00-9:10am PDT
12:00-12:10pm EDT
Day 2 Welcome
9:10-9:30am PDT
12:10-12:30pm EDT
Face Mask Detection Workflow
Kelsie Lam (University of Southern California)
9:30am-9:50am PDT
12:30-12:50pm EDT
Lung Image Segmentation Using U-Net Workflow
Aditi Jain (University of Southern California)
9:50-10:10am PDT
12:50-1:10pm EDT
Best Practices in External Communication for Cyberinfrastructure Technology
Alex Olshansky (Texas Tech University)
10:10-10:30am PDT
1:10-1:30pm EDT
Winning Friends and Influencing People: Characteristics of Cyberinfrastructure Opinion Leaders
Cassie Hayes (Texas Tech University)
10:30-10:50am PDT
1:30-1:50pm EDT
Women in Cyberinfrastructure: Using Positive Deviance Strategies for Motivating New Generation of CI Women
Chaitra Kulkarni (Texas Tech University)
10:50-11:10am PDT
1:50-2:10pm EDT
Event Horizon Telescope data with Open Source methods with the University of Tennessee, Knoxville group
Rebecca White (University of Southern California)
11:10-11:30am PDT
2:10-2:30pm EDT
WfChef: Automated Generation of Accurate Scientific Workflow Generators
TainĂ£ Coleman (University of Southern California)
11:30-11:40am PDT
2:30-2:40pm EDT
Closing Remarks