Job: Postdoctoral Fellow

The USC Information Sciences Institute’s Science Automation Group (SciTech) is seeking to hire a Postdoctoral Fellow with a Ph.D. degree in computer science. The position involves working on projects related to scientific workflow management, distributed systems, and the application of AI technologies and solutions to the management of scientific workflows in distributed environments. The group is led by Professor Ewa Deelman, an international leader in distributed systems, high- performance systems, and scientific workflow management systems. Her group conducts research in a number of areas including resource and data management, job scheduling, provenance tracking, and the use of clouds for science. Her group has led the design and development of the Pegasus Workflow Management software, which has been adopted in a number of scientific domains and contributed to the LIGO’s first ever direct detection of gravitational waves.
– The PostDoc position involves working on DOE and NSF funded projects, advancing the knowledge about distributed systems, developing novel algorithms for distributed resource and workload management, simulating and emulating systems, as well as experimentation and evaluation at scale. The position involves work in a collaborative environment working with group members as well as researchers at other universities and DOE laboratories.
– A successful candidate will have the desire to conduct research, learn new technologies, be able to analyze and interpret results of complex experiments on real systems and to publish these results in peer-reviewed publications.
– The ideal candidate will have knowledge of distributed system, data analysis methods, hands-on systems experience, and a publication record at the level of someone with a recent Ph.D. Knowledge of artificial intelligence techniques: deep learning or swarm intelligence is a plus but is not required.
– For further information please contact